Nature’s Mosaic
How we get there…
“Not everything that is faced can be changed,
but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”
~ James Baldwin ~
I have a deep and abiding respect and love of exploring and seeking harmony both within and between the inner and outer landscapes of our lives. We each carry with us a rich and complex inner ecology, one that emerges from the dynamic interrelationships between our essential nature and the layers of experiences from childhood to the present that have shaped and encrusted that essence. These internalized past experiences in combination with the insistent, demanding, and at times overwhelming and caustic elements of our present lives can make it quite hard to find ourselves and what sustains and feeds us most deeply. The burdens of the past and present can often eclipse and blind us to seeing the present clearly… and yet they also harbor the elements necessary for resilience and recovery. Therapy is about collaboratively breaking up the hardened ground within our body and mind and nurturing and tending the seeds of new growth until they can flourish on their own.

The Mosaic
Towards supporting the healing journey for myself and others I have traveled many different therapeutic paths and come to build an inclusive mosaic that takes the best of each, serves my client’s best, and which seeks to balance the essential tension between our competing needs for…
– safety, comfort and rest with
– growth and healing…
this necessitates travel into activating and intense places within ourselves and the world.
Our body-minds have an inherent capacity to heal themselves and the job of therapy is primarily to reveal and remove the obstacles which prevent that process from unfolding.
At the core of my work I am inspired most by ecological approaches arising from the deep wisdom of nature…